Wednesday, May 12, 2010

When to Call a Plumber

When to call a plumber:

* Homeowners should not try to fix a damaged gas line. A licensed plumber has the appropriate pressure-testing equipment to properly test for hazardous leaks. They will also have the experience and training necessary to tighten loose pipe fittings and properly thread pipes.

* If your home is having serious flooding that is filling up your floors, call a plumber. If your drain is clogged and you are unable to unclog it, call a plumber. He will be able to get to the root of the problem and repair it.

* Water and sewer lines can be very complicated. Problems with these lines require the services of a plumber. Sometimes the water valve located in a box on the street may have to be turned off, requiring a special permit. If you have snaked the sewer line and the clog is still there, call a plumber. They have the tools and knowledge to find the source of the problem and fix it.

* A sewer back up in the yard or street is a serious matter. The ground may have to be dug up in order to find the source of the problem. Call a plumber.

* If your water heater is not working properly, you should not attempt to fix it yourself. You may need a new part, an electrical or gas repair, or perhaps a new water heater.

* If there is any problem that you are not sure of and are worried that you may cause further damage, call a plumber. You should never try a home repair job, you could be making things worse and even incur more expense.

Have your plumbing repaired by experts and stop worrying if it was done right. Call the San Francisco Plumbing Professionals — Rooter Rooter and Plumbing (415) 644-0551.


  1. Hello, A very insightful post. Thanks for the info. Its great that if our default settings are giving us messy or stringy builds, this
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